Sunday 9th April 2023, we welcome Ariella into God’s family.
Sunday 2nd April 2023, we share and celebrate in the Sacrament of Baptism for Tawera McQueen.
Welcome to the family and friends supporting his faith life. Special morning tea for everyone after the service.
Tawera may you know God’s love all your life.
Baptism is a significant moment in the life of the church.
At the Elanora Uniting Church, we have the joy and privilege of spending time preparing the person/family for Baptism.
Please read below what the Uniting Church believes regarding Baptism.
“The Uniting Church acknowledges that Christ incorporates people into his body by Baptism. In this way Christ enables them to participate in his own baptism, which was accomplished once on behalf of all in his death and burial, and which was made available to all when, risen and ascended, he poured out the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Baptism into Christ’s body initiates people into Christ’s life and mission in the world, so that they are united in one fellowship of love, service, suffering and joy, in one family of the Father of all in heaven and earth, and in the power of the one Spirit. The Uniting Church will baptize those who confess the Christian faith, and children who are presented for baptism and for whose instruction and nourishment in the faith the Church takes responsibility.” Basis of Union para 7.
In summary – Baptism is a sacred moment where a person receives and embraces the gift of God’s grace and love with a call to live out this gift by sharing with others.
There are no charges for Baptisms.
For more details please contact the Minister Rev Catherine Solomon 0438 557 677 ( or the office 5534 5817 (
To be married in a church building can assist people to sense God’s presence for their special day. A Christian Wedding Ceremony provides the opportunity to celebrate both in a meaningful and spiritual way. If you choose for the local minister to conduct your wedding, she would lead you through 3 sessions of preparation for not just the wedding day but also for your marriage.
Information regarding Same Sex Marriage Ceremonies:
The Congregations of Elanora and Currumbin Valley Uniting Church have decided, as permitted under the Uniting Church in Australia’s 2019 decision on marriage, that these facilities will not be available for same-gender marriage ceremonies. The Minister in placement may conduct same gender weddings at other locations.
For more information please contact either Rev Catherine Solomon or South Moreton Presbytery office on 3807 7421.
For Wedding bookings, prices and further details,
please contact the Minister Rev Catherine Solomon 0438 557 677 ( or the office 5534 5817 (

These are very difficult and sad times for the family and friends who want to have a service of remembrance, celebration and farewell.
The funeral and/or memorial services we conduct take place within the act of Christian worship where we acknowledge God’s purpose for life and ask for God’s help as we deal with loss.
The usual process is to first contact a Funeral Director to make the initial arrangements and then contact the minister.
Rev Catherine Solomon will sensitively and thoroughly work with all parties in planning, preparing (emotionally and spiritually) and providing a service that reflects the person we are grieving.
For Funeral bookings, prices and further details, please contact the Minister Rev Catherine Solomon 0438 557 677 ( or the office 5534 5817 (