Welcome. We meet and serve God on the traditional land of the Yugambeh Nation and pay respects to the elders and leaders past, present and emerging. As the first peoples have cared for this land, this congregation continue to be a caring community with Christ. So we extend our care to you.
Whether you are looking for a new church home, curious about the Christian faith or would like to connect socially, you are welcome here. Feel free to look around the website and contact any of the necessary people to find out more. We look forward to meeting you.
Worship services every Sunday 9am
WELCOME to those who may be visiting with us today.
Please join us for morning tea in the hall following the service
Friday, March 7th 10am World Day of Prayer 2025
This is an interdenominational, international, annual event.
The program for 2025 has been put together by the
Christians of the Cook Islands.
It is Elanora’s privilege to be the hosts this year and we will
be welcoming participation by several other churches in our
area. If anyone has Southsea Island memorabilia we could
borrow for the day, please see Mary Flynn asap.
Congregational AGM
is scheduled for Sunday 16th March following the worship service.
Reports from all ministry groups should all now have been returned to the church office ready for collation.
Nominations are being called for positions on Church Council. Nomination forms are
available from the church office or on the Offerings table at the back of the church. Today is
the final opportunity to submit nominations.
Opening hours Tuesday to Friday 9-1pm
Adult Fellowship
Monday 3rd March Adult Fellowship meeting in Wollemi Hall. 9.30 for 10am start. Devotions
to be led by Shirley Lord. Guest speaker is Greg Malimonenko who will be speaking briefly on his
journey from Ukraine to freedom and finally to Australia in 1950.
(*1st Monday each month 9.30 for 10am in Wollemi Hall)
Carpenter’s Workshop
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8am-12pm
Card group meeting
in Robinson Hall on the
1st and 3rd Thursdays 10am -3pm
each Wednesday 9-12 during school terms.
Prayer meeting
Every Thursday at 8.30am in the church. All welcome.
For information re other groups using our facilities see the notice board in the courtyard or
call the church office 07 5534 5817
Please pray
for Rev Je Cheol Cook, his wife Yun
Young and their son Ji Hoon and daughter Ka Hee who
are expected to join us in early May.
Our Community Pantry is dependent on the collection of goods from
Brisbane approximately once a month. Currently Kerri and Andrew are doing this but would
love some help to share that responsibility. If one more person or couple could put their hand
up for this, it would involve a trip once every 2 months. Obviously, if more people could be on
the roster, trips would be less frequent. If this is an area of service that you may be able to
fill, give Andrew or Kerri a call. Andrew 0401 958 321 Kerri 0403 044 037
Leisuretime are still looking for an enthusiastic person to join their team
in the role of wardrobe mistress in charge of their popular “Boutique”
which operates each Wednesday morning at the beginning of
Leisuretime. Over the years, the Boutique has not only been a fun way
to supplement our own wardrobes at minimal cost it has also been a
vital means of raising money for Chaplaincy, Cancer Support Group,
Frontier Services, Flying Doctor and Compassion children.
If this sounds like you, call June Freiberg on 5520 2412 or have a chat
to her at Leisuretime.
Live-stream link
See below for the live-stream link for Sunday service
Online Services